Logistics Hardware and Internet of ThingsAutomatic, Connected, Smart!

Logistics Hardware and Internet of ThingsMore Efficient Site Logistics Processes Thanks to Hardware Integration
The integration of logistics hardware peripherals is extremely helpful in optimizing logistics processes on the site. It allows automation in the processes (e.g. license plate recognition), provides information (e.g. weighing results) and implements specified activities (e.g. barrier opening for truck entry). Based on the latest technologies, we provide tailored support to automate your yard logistics processes in an efficient and cost-effective way.
for automatic truck dispatch with integrated printers and scanners
Smart Cameras
for license plate, container number or object recognition
Cameras or Occupancy Sensors
for monitoring the occupancy of parking spaces or loading docks in real time
Automatic Barriers and Gates
open and close based on authorization upon successful check-in/out
Automatic Weighing Process
Empty and full weighing, tare determination with integration into the yard management system
Call-off Solutions
via large outdoor displays, indoor monitors or handheld devices
WE REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR SUPPLY CHAINAre you ready to turbocharge your digital logistics?

Reduce registration time by up to 70%.
Save resources
Fully integrated into Dock & Yard Management, Plug & Play
Simple user guidance in many languages
Increased process reliability
Print freight documents
Integrated safety instruction
Integration with transport document

Truck license plate recognition
Motion detection
Intelligent video analysis features
POE-capable (Power over Ethernet)
Powerful cameras from our hardware partner AXIS

WE REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR SUPPLY CHAINAre you ready to turbocharge your digital logistics?

FAQThe Most Important Questions About Hardware by myleo / dsc
Your ContactWant to find out more?

Head of Customer AdvisoryMichael Rölli
Would you like to solve your logistics challenges in a simple, flexible and innovative way? We would be happy to support you in bringing your processes into the digital future. I look forward to hearing from you!