Living logistics, i.e. constantly improving flows of goods and information, also means continuously putting existing processes and solutions to the test and renewing them if necessary. Only those who react quickly, agilely and highly motivated to changing requirements will be able to maintain - or even expand - their market position.
Two examples of such new requirements are the online trade, which has virtually exploded in recent years, or the shortage of freight space due to the lack of truck drivers. Both have nothing to do with each other at first, but they do have an influence on the (grown) logistical processes in a company.
After all, there are already established solution providers on the market for many logistical challenges. The question of "make or buy" no longer arises for companies to the same extent as it did ten to 20 years ago. But established solution providers are often subject to the fallacy of being able to rest on their laurels. After all, they are often market leaders in a particular segment. This can be more of a curse than a blessing, namely when the once embattled customer loses focus and these companies revolve more and more around themselves.
Figuratively speaking: Once a solution provider has become a giant cruise ship, it becomes difficult to regain the maneuverability of a speedboat. But that's exactly what our customers need to remain successful. The future success of a company therefore depends directly on the performance of the logistics providers it uses.
What does it take to succeed in the logistics services market?
To stick with the image of a speedboat, we regularly ask ourselves the question, "What makes this speedboat tick?" How do we combine tradition and modernity and develop innovative solutions with our customers to change the world of supply chain management and logistics together? Here are some ideas that can immediately add monetary as well as process value for you.
1. An automated yard brings benefits even before a truck arrives
Control the inflow of vehicles to your yard and assign time slots dynamically, based on priorities, rules and expected arrival time. Digitalization allows you to fully automate your processes in the next step and keep an eye on your flow of goods in real time. Contactless registration through self-check-in at terminals also streamlines the process. We are happy to support you with our extensive SAP know-how and expertise in connecting innovative hardware and IoT devices.

2. Freight cost management: How to simplify billing processes with credit memo procedures
With the credit memo procedure via myleo / dsc, freight billing and invoicing is carried out by the company commissioning the transport. With the integrated dispute management, freight settlements can be reconciled easily and unbureaucratically online without any media breaks. This is done by transmitting the freight orders and the associated billing information to the cloud-based logistics platform - e.g. from your SAP system.
Allow service providers to check freight costs directly and complain about discrepancies if necessary. The added value of this transparent process is that you no longer have to wait for your invoices. You streamline the billing process by allowing your service providers to check invoices directly online and complain if necessary. Manual invoice checks become obsolete. Another factor: pricing models such as carrier pays no longer seem to work. Service providers have now become very important. Reason enough to integrate them into your processes accordingly and meet them at eye level.
3. Track returnable load carriers easily and keep an eye on them at all times
The future of container management lies in a fully automated end-to-end mapping of processes. This can be achieved by using IoT technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or RFID.
The myleo / dsc logistics platform enables pre-planning of container entries and exits when they are recorded at the loading dock. During transport, containers can even be located and tracked by sensors if necessary. In this way, the container remains visible to you even after reloading at a hub. Once it arrives at its destination, it sends this information to myleo / dsc by itself. This enables full automation of container flows.
The advantages of fully automated container management lie primarily in the reduction of costs and time spent, as manual process steps such as the recording of loading equipment at goods receipt or goods issue, visual inspections and reconciliation times for the formation of account balances are eliminated. In addition, transparency within the supply chain is increased for all parties involved, as the route of a loading device can be tracked in real time and availabilities and bottlenecks can be viewed immediately.
4. Bringing costs and benefits into sustainable harmony with Green Logistics
Optimizing logistics processes is already important today, and not just for cost reasons. The CO2 footprint will also become increasingly decisive for companies in the future. We all cannot avoid more sustainable logistics and should already start thinking about how we can jointly reduce the CO2 consumption of all transports.
Possible improvement scenarios for greener logistics:
- Optimized route planning with the help of telemetry
- Empty kilometer reduction
- Cooperation between shippers to fully utilize truck capacities
- CO2 reporting to analyze and improve values
By “Green Logistics” we understand the process optimization of all logistic procedures in the transport but also in the warehouse area under the consideration of ecological sustainability. We want to make our contribution to optimize transport processes and to achieve a reduction of CO2 emissions. Whether on the road or on the rail - the goal must be optimized transport processes to save resources.
We are here for you!
Should you also want to adapt your logistics processes to the agility of a speedboat, let us know. As your strategic partner, we support you on an equal footing in integrating your site and transport logistics more efficiently and transparently into your inventory system. Let us consult you on how to digitalize your processes and thus improve your supply chains. Have we piqued your interest? Then please feel free to contact us.